Everything by Michael Bubble

Monday, January 11, 2010

I'm working

ouh yaa. im working. penang village alamanda
im busy working. 12pm till 11pm. full time worker. i learn myanmar's language. such as 'alimo' stands for fuck u,'lu' stands for lancau, and 'machikini' which is pukimak. i learned good words to such as 'caite' stands for love. HAHA. cema kamiako caite=i love you. see see. im good in this :)

everyday routine. woke up at 9.30. went to bus station at 10.30. smpai alamnda at 11. then, tawaf almnda till 11.30. then, went to penang village, ate, smokes then work. break at 2/3/4 for 3 hours. than kileje balik till 11. while working, i got to berdiri cannot duduk. cctv menjadi stalker setia. manager was like singa betina u know bile dye marah. usually dye mara if kteorang buat kerje main main. tk serious and imperfect kerje yg perlu dibuat tu but she's very kind. very talkative, friendly, openminded.

so usually time break hang around with syikeen/kayat/ding for an hour. tehn g restaurant, hang aroung kt kitchen or tido kt VIP room for an hour and half. then pergi makan kt kitchen, smokes, kerje balik.

then at 11 sharp! mother will be at depan parkson, then direct terus balik rumah. balik balik basuh muka, cuci kaki. terus tido.
then, same routine pada esok harinye

so sosial life dgn workers la bnyak nye. agak mendap r kadang kadang. tapi nk wat camne. dok rumah lagi bosan kot.mmbe sume kerje gak. so still same laa. lagi pon bnda ni for tmporry je. after this, cont study so dapat khidupan sosial yang normal sprti dulu i wish better :).

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